Designing a Differentiated Lesson Plan

 In planning a lesson for a class of fourth grade math students on subtracting mixed fractions, there were many things that needed to be considered in the planning process. When teaching a class of diverse needs, the representation, engagement, and assessment processes need to be as diverse. As I was planning this lesson, I took into account the learning styles of my classes along with the mastery of necessary previous learning that they had shown thus far. I also considered instruction and activity that would help students gain a firm foundation in understanding what a mixed number was and what was happening when the numbers were being added. Furthermore, I considered the best way to present the material in a way that would connect the ideas to future learning. To begin, I looked at the the standards and what the students were expected to do and understand by the end of the unit. I then plan an assessment that will adequately test for the the skills, knowledge, and understanding that is expected from the standard. Assessments use authentic activities to determine the depth of understanding and critical thinking skills of a student and to assess the effectiveness of the instruction (Aviles, K. & Grayson, K., 2017). Once I develop the assessment and determine exactly what my students need to be able to do and know, I then listed the pieces of the skills that they needed to perform the tasks. By determining each piece of the skill that was included in the overall skill of adding mixed numbers, i was able to plan the sequence in which the skills needed to be taught. To add mixed numbers, my students needed to know how to add fractions, how to regroup a fraction that was more than one, what a mixed number was and how it was represented, and finally how many pieces of a fraction equaled a whole, and what it meant to add. While researching each of these foundational skills to adding mixed numbers, I then looked at the best way to incorporate activities that both engaged and stimulated my students thinking. I chose to represent fractions both visually and with fraction bars so that my visual learners and my tactile learners had the opportunity to interact with the material in a way that related to their learning style, while also being exposed to other types of representations. I begin each lesson by peaking their interest in the lesson we are beginning. When introducing the new concept, I give them a questions that they should be able to answer by the end of the unit. They are allowed to answer the question any way they would like and are expected to use any background information they have to help solve the problem. I then check for readiness by playing showdown to determine if they have a firm understanding of the foundation skills of adding fractions and whole numbers. After giving them such a difficult question before, I like to have them practice a skill that is comfortable to them, but also is connected to the new learning that takes place. This is intended to get them thinking of how the skill they have already mastered connects to the difficult problem that we attempted at the end of the class. 

When assessing students, it is important that I know specifically what I am assessing and wanting the student to be able to do. To do this assessments need to be differentiated to help me determine each student's abilities with the skill and not the supporting skills. For instance, if I want to know that a student understands the process of adding mixed numbers and the reasoning behind the process, but is unable to fluently add 2 digits, then I would need to provide support to help them get past the fluency obstacle and show their understanding of the assessed skill. There are several ways I will do this with the current lesson. One way is by providing students with manipulatives to model and understand the fractions they are adding. I could also provide calculators for students who struggle with fluency issues. Giving the students a chance to draw out each of their problems and discover what is asking also helps reach diverse learners. Finally, modifying problems so that students are not getting side tracked with the small skills, but allows them to focus on the skill that is being tested. Along with giving students the adaptive tools to help show their understanding, I allow students a choice in how they show their understanding. They are able to choose drawing, hands on manipulatives, oral explanations, or writing to show how to add mixed numbers. When teachers give students a choice in how to show understanding, they remove obstacles that could keep the student from showing what they really know (       ). ELL students are also given anchor charts and academic vocabulary with both written and visual representation as to what the word means.  This gives every student the opportunity to show their learning without the hinderances of disabilities. 

Along with the adaptive tools and visuals that many struggling students receive, I also provide technology aids to help students gain knowledge and show what they know. Computer programs such as i-Ready help provide lessons at a higher level for students who need to start working at a higher level than the average class member. Other programs such as Khan Academy help provide extra instruction or a variety of strategies for students who tend to finish early due to not fully understanding the expectations of the skills. Both of these technological aides provide alternate strategies for the student to use and provide material for students to work on that are at their level of understanding. Higher students can work with mixed numbers that have uncommon denominators or are more complex, while struggling students can practice the same skill with fractions or numbers they are used to. I am able to assign Khan Academy videos that review the basic skills needed to add mixed numbers, and when paired with EdPuzzle, I can quickly assess if the students understands the basic skill and how it connects to the larger skill. Technology also aides in providing accommodations for students when the teacher cannot. Programs such as Kirtzwell allows anything on a computer to be read aloud and allowing students the use of the calculator found in most computer programs helps students struggling with fluency. Adaptive technology such as calculators and other programs that assist with learning mathematics helps students focus on the important parts of what is being learned (Hasselbring, T, Lott, A., & Zydney, J. 2006).  Both of the technologies used in this lesson do just that and allow each student equal access to an education. They are engaging for the student, give short pieces of information, and help provide effective remediation. 

Aviles, N., Ed.D, & Grayson, K., PhD. (2017). Backward planning: How assessment impacts teaching and learning. IDRA Newsletter Retrieved from:,lessons%20that%20integrate%20these%20standards

Hasselbring, T.S., Lott, A.C., and Zydney, J.M. (2006). Technology-Supported Math Instruction for Students with Disabilities: Two Decades of Research and Development. Washington, DC: CITEd, Center for Implementing Technology in Education (

Iris Center. (2021). Universal design for learning: Creating a learning environment that challenges and engages all students. Retrieved from


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